Geek Week: Local - A nice stage to perform

Akhil Sahu
2 min readMar 16, 2021

Interaction with new people has always been my interest. Geek week: Local was another addition to the list of ways in doing so.

Let me start with its organizer:- I think every programmer is familiar with GFG or Geeks For Geeks. If not just for a short intro, it is a platform where you can ask your doubts, practice your skills, answer other people’s queries, learn new skills, and even have various courses which can be taken to increase your skill account balance.

Geeks For Geeks Chapter :- Geek Week Local is conducted by a small group of students in their college itself, who are under the guidance of Geeks For Geeks. This group is known as the Geeks For Geeks Chapter. The Chapter comprises of Core Members which are selected on certain basic, which includes having a nice CV and zeel to work in teams. Now moving on to the details about the event.

Geek Week: Local :- This is a week-long hackathon. Students participate in the form of guilds. Students who are interested to make a guild can make one and they will be considered as the guild leader. After the formation of the guild, the interested students can join a guild according to their will. The next part is the challenges, which is with god grace is not limited to programming problems. So beginners, don’t worry, you have a stage to perform.

What all Events are organised :- Programming challenges, getting to know git and GitHub, publicizing your guild and Geek Week, a little bit of graphic design writing blogs, etc. Wow, there is a lot to learn and do. Points are allotted after the completion of each task. Every member of the guild has to complete the tasks. Tasks are provided on daily basis for the whole week and 24hr are given to complete all the tasks given on that particular day. The guild which scores the maximum is off-course the winner.

So, I think you must have got an overview of the event and if you want something or have a suggestion for the improvement of the content, please do mention it in the responses section below.

